Planned Outage - Degreeworks

Please note that on Thursday, September 23rd DegreeWorks will be unavailable due to planned maintenance. DegreeWorks will be available again starting Friday, September 24th.

Fine Arts & Communication Scholarship Audition Request Form

Tell Us About Yourself

If you are interested in scholarships in Art, Mass Communications (Radio/TV/Newspaper/Magazine/Sports Media), Music (Vocal or Instrumental), or Theatre (Performance or Technical) you will need to complete an audition.  It is recommended, but not required, that students who request an audition have applied and been accepted to Butler Community College.  Your Student ID number is required to process a scholarship, but you can still register without one.

Fine Arts Audition Days for the 2019-2020 school year will take place on February 15th and February 16th, 2019.  To view scholarship audition requirements and help prepare for your audition, visit the Fine Arts and Communication Scholarships info pages.

  • Disclaimer: By submitting this application you certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. False information may be grounds for not receiving an audition/interview, or for immediate termination of a scholarship at any point in the future if one is granted. Any information listed on this form may be verified by Butler Community College employees or staff.
Help: i.e. 901 S. Haverhill Rd
Help: Providing a student ID number helps to process your application more quickly. If you have not yet applied for admission, please leave the default value.
Help: i.e. 3.75