Planned Outage - Degreeworks

Please note that on Thursday, September 23rd DegreeWorks will be unavailable due to planned maintenance. DegreeWorks will be available again starting Friday, September 24th.

Traffic & Parking Regulations

Vehicle Registration Requirements

-    Revised January 2018
Butler Community College vehicle parking permits are not needed for staff, faculty, guests or students, except those residing in the residence halls. Students residing the the residence halls will be issued parking permits that they must display on the rear view mirror of their car. Residence Hall parking areas will be designated to students that have these permits. No one else will be permitted to park in these areas.

  • Motorcycles and motor scooters are considered motor vehicles. Operators of such vehicles are required to comply with all placarding, parking and traffic regulations.
  • The use of motorcycles and motor scooters are only permitted on roadways and in parking lots.
  • Parking Permits must be displayed on the rear view mirror of the vehicle and must be readily visible with the registration number and decal facing the front. Those not readily visible due to window tinting or obstruction will be ticketed. Changed vehicle registration information shall be reported to the receptionist at the locations indicated above in #1 and a new form completed.

Traffic and Parking Regulations – All Locations

Map of Andover Campus Sites

Map of El Dorado Campus

Purpose: As part of our efforts to maintain a safe and secure learning environment, Butler has established the following traffic and parking regulations:

  1. All vehicles driven or parked on College roadways or property must be currently insured and registered in accordance with law. All drivers operating any motor vehicle on College roadways or property must possess a valid driver’s license in accordance with law. All College roadways and parking lots are considered by Kansas law to be “public roadways” and as such all rules of the road apply.
  2. The speed limit on all College roadways is 15 mph. unless otherwise posted.  The limit in parking lots is 15 mph. Violators will be ticketed. DPS officers utilize speed measuring equipment in their patrol cars.
  3. Overnight parking is not permitted unless DPS has been notified (BOE 321.7657),  (BOA 218.6112). Any unauthorized overnight parking will be subject to ticketing.
  4. Only Residence Hall students are authorized to park in the designated and identified residence hall parking areas. Residence Hall students are not authorized to utilize other campus parking areas. Residence Hall placards are purple in color.
  5. Skateboards and skates of all types and other forms of related transportation may be used on campus sidewalks for transportation purposes only. Users may not ride or use the forms of transportation on stairs, benches, tables, railings, or related areas.
  6. If you are involved in an accident or discover an accident, contact Public Safety immediately.
  7. The following is a list of PROHIBITED PARKING, PROHIBITED TRAFFIC ACTIONS, and other citable violations with corresponding fines assessed:
    Violation Fine

    Handicapped Parking   (Placard must be displayed)

    $50 fine
    Park in a Fire Lane (towing will occur)             $25 fine
    Park in Visitor Parking Areas $25 fine
    Blocking a Sidewalks or Service Drives $10 fine
    Blocking a Driveway or Entry Point $25 fine
    Park Against a Painted Yellow Curb $10 fine
    Designated Police, Fire, EMS Parking Zone $25 fine
    Designated Loading Zone $25 fine
    On grass or off Designated Roadways / Parking Lots $10 fine
    Posted No Parking or Tow Zones $25 fine
    Failure to park wholly within a single space (including temporary) $10 fine
    Park Where No Designated Space Exists $10 fine
    Obstructed Parking Placard/Improper Display $10 fine
    No Parking Permit  Displayed $10 fine
    Fail to Display Resident Hall Placard  (Lots G,H,I,J) $10 fine
    Not Parked in Designated Residence Hall Parking $10 fine
    Unsafe, reckless, or inattentive Driving $25 fine
    Riding on exterior of vehicle $25 fine
    Allowing riders in bed of pickup truck (Driver fined) $10 fine
    Riding in bed of pickup as a passenger (Each person) $10 fine
    Failure to follow designated lanes/routes of travel in parking areas $10 fine
    Speeding (1-10 mph over)  $25 fine
    Speeding (11+ mph over) $50 fine
    Loud Music/Noise From Vehicle $10 fine
    Littering $25 fine
    Failure to Wear Seat Belt as Required $10 fine
    Failure to Restrain a Minor with Safety Restraints as Required $25 fine
    Defective Equipment Upon Vehicles  (per violation) $10 fine
    Inoperative and/or Abandoned Vehicle on Campus $25 fine
    Unauthorized disposal of debris/waste $25 fine
    Skateboard Violations $10 fine
    Failure to obey a traffic control device/sign $25 fine
    Failure to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk $25 fine
    Failure to stop for a school bus $50 fine
    Unauthorized disposal of debris/unlawful dumping $35 fine
    Use of tobacco products on campus $35 fine
    Blocking another vehicle to prevent ingress/egress  $10 fine
    Improper display of disabled persons parking permit $10 fine
  8.  Responsibility of finding authorized parking rests with the driver. Inability of the driver to find an   authorized place to park is not considered a valid reason to park in an unauthorized place.
  9. Cars may be towed at driver’s expense or locked with a security device IF:
    a. Driver is parked in a “No Parking”, “Fire Zone” or “Tow-away Zone”.
    b. Driver is arrested or has three or more parking/traffic fines.
    c. Vehicle is blocking ingress/egress ability of emergency vehicles.
    d. Vehicle is displaying illegal registration.
    e. Vehicle is deemed abandoned.
    f. Owner is unable to care for vehicle.
  10. Handicapped Parking
    Designated spaces for the disabled are appropriately marked. Only persons with valid state handicap parking permits and appropriate ID are allowed to park in these spaces. The permits must be displayed by hanging on the rear view mirror. Violations will be ticketed.

Violator’s Obligations and Penalties

  1. Fines may be paid by mail or at the following locations in El Dorado (600 Bldg. Accounts  Receivable.) In Andover: 6000 Bldg. Accounts Receivable.)
  2. Transcripts will be withheld until all fine obligations are met.
  3. Students will not be allowed to enroll with outstanding fines.
  4. Employees with outstanding fines will be reported to their individual supervisor.
  5. Habitual violations can subject the offender to formalized disciplinary referrals.

Violation Appeal Process

A person who believes that they have unjustly received a parking violation may appeal. All appeals will be considered by the Parking Appeal Review Committee. The decision of the Committee is Final. Persons wishing to appeal may obtain instructions on the Butler Website: or obtain a form at the Student Government Offices in El Dorado (1000 bldg), in Andover in the 5000 Building or at any DPS office.

Campus Public Safety and Security

The safety and security of our students, faculty, staff and visitors is the primary goal of the Butler Community College Public Safety Department. We must partner effectively with all College stakeholders to help prevent crime and unsafe conditions from occurring within the College community. We must all work cooperatively and collaboratively to reduce the opportunities for crime and unsafe conditions to occur. All College community members have the responsibility to promptly report observed or suspected criminal behavior, suspicious circumstances, and unsafe conditions.

College Public Safety Personnel

Campus Police Officers are on-duty at all times. Their primary responsibilities include patrol of residence halls, campus facilities and parking lots to deter and detect crime and unsafe conditions. They also respond to requests for services including vehicle lock-outs and jump starts dependent upon call-load. Officers are primarily responsible for emergency calls and situations occurring on College properties. They perform investigations of criminal acts, as well as traffic and occupational accidents, provide night escorts and any other requests for assistance from staff, students, and other policing agencies. College Police Personnel posses full law enforcement authority, including the power to arrest, seize property and evidence, investigate crimes, issue citations, and impound motor vehicles.

El Dorado Public Safety can be reached at  316.321.7657, or in an emergency dial 911.

At the Andover Campus, Campus Police and Public Safety Officers are on duty from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., providing the same services as described above.
Andover Public Safety can be reached at  316.218.6112, or in an emergency dial 911.


Emergency Notifications

In the event of a serious emergency or disaster that would interrupt the normal college operations including classes, it is important that all College stakeholders monitor the GrizzlySAFE app and notification system. Once registered, College stakeholders will receive emergency notifications via the app, cell phone, home telephone, text messaging and computer if there is an emergency situation or critical incident. If not registered, follow the Emergency Update Information link on the Butler Pipeline website. There are additional means of emergency notifications on the campuses, including a public address system, telephone notifications, social media outlets, and e-mail blasts .

Emergency Assistance

In the event of a medical emergency, a crime in progress, or a disturbance, 911 should be notified. Contact Public Safety directly for  administrative or non-emergency matters (El Dorado 321.7657, Andover 218.6112).  Emergency push to talk telephones are located throughout the residence halls and campus in El Dorado.

External automatic defibrillators (AED) are located in several buildings on campus. Please familiarize yourself with their locations and get trained in their use.

The Department of Public Safety Staff are available for vehicle assistance as call-load allows. Examples of services rendered include unlocks, jump starts, tire changes, and re-fueling. A student or staff member who has roadside assistance is encouraged to contact and utilize roadside assistance first. DPS officers have the authority to prevent an unsafe vehicle from operating on a public roadway or parking lot.

Theft: Don’t Be a Victim

Do not leave items unattended. Backpacks, books, laptop computers, cell phones and Ipods left visible in a car are easy targets.

Always lock your doors and roll-up windows. Most thefts occur when a door is left unlocked.

Put valuables in the trunk and out of sight. If your stereo has a detachable face plate, remove it.

Record all your valuables and write down the serial numbers. Consider engraving a unique identification number on your items, such as the last four digits of your social security number, or some other meaningful number.

Lock your bicycle and skateboard with a good quality lock.

Don’t carry identification in your checkbook. Always keep your credit cards secure. Do not carry PIN numbers or other access codes with your purse/wallet.

Alcohol Awareness

The legal drinking age in Kansas is 21. Underage drinking has legal consequences. Drinking on campus has additional consequences.

Having a good time doesn’t require alcohol. Avoid drinking games.

Never drink and drive. “Buzzed” driving is drunk driving.

Always have a designated driver, or call a responsible, sober party.

Be aware of who you’re with and where you are. Heavy drinking and sexual assault often go hand in hand.

Sexual Assault Awareness

Use common sense in where you go, who you go with and what you do. Do not put yourself in a vulnerable situation. Always be aware of your surroundings.

Note open businesses or buildings if you should need to ask for help.

Avoid walking alone; walk in a group, or call DPS for an escort.

When at a bar or party, do not take an open or poured drink from a stranger. Do not drink from a beverage left unattended.

Accepting rides from strangers or casual acquaintances can be risky.

Park in well lit areas.

Resources for sexual assault are the Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center (316.263.0185), WASAC Crisis Line (316.263.3002), or Butler provides trained counselors at both BOE and BOA.

If a sexual assault has occurred, the victim should immediately call Public Safety from a safe location. Refrain from changing clothes, washing body or disposing of any items of evidence. Try to remain calm and be ready to assist the investigating officers and medical providers with their work on your behalf. Butler takes very seriously the crime of sexual assault.