Graduation Procedures
- Prior to your final semester of enrollment, you should have a degree check completed by an advisor at any Butler site.
- Fill out an Application for Degree/Certificate form by the deadline indicated on the application form and return it and your degree/certificate check to the Registrar‘s Office at either the El Dorado or Andover campus. There is a $10 late fee for applications received after the deadline.
- If you still need to have records transferred from other institutions, please have them sent to the Registrar‘s Office immediately. Most institutions require a written release and fee to send transcripts to other schools.
- Butler has one commencement per year, held at the end of the spring semester (in May). The graduating class is divided according to degrees being sought into two ceremonies, one held at 9:30 a.m., and the other at 1:00 p.m.
Deadlines for applications:
Spring (May completion) – March 20
Summer (July completion) – July 20
Fall (December completion) – November 20
If you are graduating and want a reminder of how the day will go or how to pick up your cap and gown, you'll want to view more detailed information regarding the graduation ceremony.