Planned Outage - Degreeworks

Please note that on Thursday, September 23rd DegreeWorks will be unavailable due to planned maintenance. DegreeWorks will be available again starting Friday, September 24th.


APICS CLTD Prep Course

With APICS CLTD training you can become a recognized expert in the logistics, transportation and distribution fields. Certification demonstrates in-depth knowledge of a broad range of topics to set you apart from your colleagues — proving your high level of knowledge and skills. You'll be a more valuable asset to your organization, keeping you and your organization more competitive in today’s global economy.Apics Logo

Why you should earn the CLTD (Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution) designation:

  • Gain recognition in the field as a logistics expert
  • Build credibility and set yourself apart from peers
  • Learn latest trends in global supply chain logistics
  • Impact your organization's bottom line
  • Demonstrate logistics mastery of knowledge

Dates offered:  Wednesdays, Aug 16 – Nov 1, 2017

Times: 5:30 – 9:00 pm

Location: Butler CC – Andover 5000 Bldg

Cost: $1,780 for members, $2,080 for non-members

 Register Now