Planned Outage - Degreeworks

Please note that on Thursday, September 23rd DegreeWorks will be unavailable due to planned maintenance. DegreeWorks will be available again starting Friday, September 24th.

Educational Technology

Contact Us

Haylee Dass
Director of Educational Technology
Office: BOA 5010

Thomas Edison once predicted the demise of the textbook, asserting that “It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture.” A century later, a dramatic transition toward mediated instruction is well under way. Online content, including the video variant of Edison’s “motion picture,” continues to explode our view of how we teach and how we learn.

Educational Technology is the portal through which Butler accesses online methods of curriculum delivery. Our primary focus is on the operation and support of Butler Online and its learning management system, Canvas.

Our department acts as a consultant to faculty, providing educational design support for online delivery of their courses. We also train instructors in course design and the use of a variety of applications and tools for course implementation and management.

We are committed as a college to embedding the same high standards of academic excellence in our online presence that has always been the hallmark of our traditional programs. We want to encourage students and faculty alike to connect with the Educational Technology staff whenever you need help or see an opportunity to improve our online tools or academic curricula.