Cooperative Education Class Options
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Students enrolled in Cooperative Education earn college credit while gaining valuable work experience. Students learn while they earn and may enroll in a maximum of eight, three hour Cooperative Education courses for a total of 24 credit hours. All papers and exercises included in the academic requirements relate to professional job growth. Typically, class is eight weeks and all course work is done online.
CE 195 Keys to Success in the Workplace: This course will enable the student to gain practical work experience & to practice basic key elements to enhance success in the work place.
CE 196 Career Development. This course will enable the student to gain practical work experience and understand the principles for successful, lifelong career development.
CE 197 Business Communication for the Working Adult. This course will enable the student to learn essential communication skills necessary for success in today’s work environment and gain practical work experience.
CE 198 Critical Thinking Skills. This course will enable the student to explore critical thinking skills and gain practical work experience.
CE 295 The Changing Workplace. This course will enable the student to analyze and respond to ongoing changes in the workplace and gain practical work experience.
CE 296 Emotional Intelligence. This course will enable the student to gain practical work experience and to understand the value of increased emotional intelligence and how it can add value to working relationships.
CE 297 Business Ethics for the Working Adult. This course will enable the student to explore the relevance and importance of ethics and social responsibility in business and gain practical work experience.
CE 298 Leadership at Work. This course will enable the student to identify competencies and traits of leaders in the work environment and gain practical work experience.