Livestock Management & Merchandising
Teaching to the highest professional standards of animal husbandry
When you study Livestock Management & Merchandising at Butler, you learn from the best. With back-to-back national championships in livestock judging, you are surrounded by knowledgeable coaches and nationally ranked students. Livestock management is key to understanding the big picture – from managing the health of livestock to the logistics of bringing animals to market. Get your nine-month certificate or obtain an associate degree in two years and transfer to a four-year college.
Estimated tuition for Livestock Management & Merchandising = $10,020**
**This includes two years of tuition based on being a Kansas Resident and taking 60 credit hours, estimated fees, and estimated books. Housing and meal plans not included. Fees may vary depending on specific degree path.
Classes You Take
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Gainful Employment Information
The graph below illustrates local salaries based on a career path related to this degree. Each career path varies as does the necessary training required.* For further information, connect with your program’s lead instructor.