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Butler’s Nursing Program Celebrates Graduates and 50th Anniversary

Butler Community College Nurses Pinning
Published: Monday, May 15th, 2017

Butler honors its 2016-17 nursing graduates during the 50th annual nurses pinning.

Butler Community College celebrated the graduation of 63 nurses from Butler’s nursing program with an annual nurses pinning event on May 11, which happened to fall during National Nursing Week. This is the nursing program’s 50th anniversary.

“You are part of an historic event,” said Anita Mills, Dean of Health, Education and Public Service. “Let us honor and pay homage to those who came before.”

Mills told the graduates and their families that the nursing program is as strong as it is today because of the many faculty, students and administrators who have gone before them. Like so many nursing students throughout the past 50 years, she told this class, they were high achievers, compassionate and determined.

“It takes a very special person to join the ranks of the nursing profession,” said Kimberly Krull, Ph.D., President of Butler.

Tonika Bruce of El Dorado, the student president of the nursing class, rallied the crowd when she told them that amongst the 63 nursing students, which includes 19 male students and two sets of twins, they have 67 children and six grandchildren. Coming from 17 states and 10 countries, these graduates are also in the midst of planning nine weddings.

“Our class set out to change the world,” Bruce said. “Let’s do it. Everyone deserves our best.”

Butler’s 2017 nursing graduates include:


Shannon Soto


Lauren Naill

Elaine West


Jennifer Lacey


Jennifer Hoyt-Nichols

Conway Springs:

Mohamed Soliman


Kay Thorpe

Maria Warren


Kirsten Gray

El Dorado:

Tonika Bruce

Nikie Scates


Brett Fox

Shay Zimmerman


Viki Fickes


Carolyn Palmer


Kelli Hess


Tess Donohue

Rachelle Karol


Matthew Pogue

Rose Hill:

Brittany Campbell

Alyssa Jameson


Kathleen Greene


Michele Bushey

Valley Center:

Ryan Albright

Brandon Kraus


Holly Allmond

Cristina Astegiano

Christa Bathgate

Chelsea Baxter

Shaunee Darrough

Elizabeth Edington

Brittany Gray

Pedro Ibarra Jr.

Wilfred Jandwa

Kimberly Kanngiesser

Hillary Kreutzer

George Makori

Cody Manuel

Sabina Mbeyela

Shannon Moses

Eddie Mutchler

William Okemwa

Laura Ondrovich

Dustin Orlanda

Emily Perez

Aaron Rauber

Brittani Richardson

Catherine Richardson

Adriel Rodriquez

Kellie Salmon

Derik Scott

Punit Shah

Jeffrey Steinert

Purity Tuiya

Dorcas Ukoha

Jeremy Villalobos

Hung Vo

Anna Wagner

Tara Woodard

Amber Zachare


Alicia Feck

Lesa Lewis

Christin Miller

The quality of instruction has earned Butler’s nursing program wide respect in the region.  Butler Community College’s nursing program is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and the Kansas State Board of Regents.